Star Wars Genesis Story: Chris McGuffin

Chris McGuffin writes for TheForce.Net and I highly recommend checking out his work! He tweets from @thecurseofchris, a great twitter follow for anyone looking to stay plugged in to current Star Wars news and events!


I’m 22 years old, and I’ve been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember. My first experience with Star Wars was seeing the original film on television somewhere around 1997. It was always on Saturday or Sunday mornings so I never managed to see the full thing all the way through, but the parts I do remember seeing (usually the Battle of Yavin) were so captivating and exciting that I was immediately hooked. I vaguely remember seeing The Phantom Menace in 1999 and falling in love with everything Star Wars soon after. I had the Original Trilogy on VHS and wore out my copy of TPM when it was released. I had many toys, primarily LEGO sets, and couldn’t get enough of the saga. As I got older and saw Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, my love for Star Wars never faltered. I can sit and talk to you about Star Wars for hours if you let me. Currently, I report news and write for TheForce.Net, an opportunity that I am incredibly grateful for (shoutout to the team at TFN for giving me that chance).

I’ve had many experiences in my life that has strengthened my love for Star Wars, but one such story stands out. My father is also a casual Star Wars fan. He was the first person I saw Episode IV with when I finally saw it all the way through, as well as Episodes V and VI. So when the prequel trilogy was released, he and I went to see each one in the theater. My most vivid memory was when Revenge of the Sith came out. We got tickets ahead of time, arrived at the theater and waited in line to be seated. Once there, we sat in anticipation for the movie to start, and when it finally did, we were both very excited! I’ll never forgot the moment that Vader’s mask is put on him for the first time and you hear that iconic breathing sound; my dad simply said “Wow” when that moment occurred. The best thing about future Star Wars movies coming out is that not only myself, but everyone will be able to have similar experiences like this, possibly with your kids, or even your parents. All I know is that now is a wonderful time to be a Star Wars fan! 🙂

You can find me on Twitter at @thecurseofchris, and through e-mail at Be sure to look out for my articles on and as always, may the Force be with you!!


Everyday my excitement for Episode VII grows! I truly appreciate the stories you all have submitted and all your continuing support! Let’s keep pushing forward and get to 500 stories shared by Episode VII!

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-

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