Star Wars Genesis Story: Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas is a freelance illustrator who has had his work turned into officially licensed art. I have been such a huge fan of his work for a long time! His retro advertising/old propaganda poster style artwork is both unique and masterfully executed. I cannot recommend his work enough and ask that you visit his site support his work in any way you can. His Facebook is and he tweets from @stevethomasart.

dagobah kessel_web stardestroyer_web sthomas_Dark_Side_Blend_web


I first saw Star Wars in 1977 when I was only 3. Of course I don’t remember any of it, but I know we went as a family. My twin sister (yes, even early I had a connection with Luke and Leia :)), my older brother and parents. We lived in Windsor, Ont. and the movie hadn’t come to Canada yet, but luckily Windsor was directly across the river and border to Detroit, where the movie was playing. From that moment on I was hooked on the toys and movies. I had the bed sheets and everything (I still have one sheet that I’ve been using as a drop cloth when painting artwork – I know, shame on me!). I can also remember using a pillow case as a candy bag at halloween. One year I dressed as a stormtrooper and my brother was Vader. Later in life (university) I again dressed up as someone from Star Wars. This time it was Luke from Return of the Jedi, from Jabba’s Palace.
I didn’t start creating serious artwork based on the Star Wars universe until sometime between 2006-2008. I had just finished a series of travel posters to the planets in our solar system and wanted to expand on that idea. At the time, had a license with Lucasfilm and I worked with them to get some licensed artwork up. I initially created 8 designs for travel posters. Unfortunately, Zazzle was only able to print them on t-shirts so I had to find someone else that had a license to print posters. I found Acme Archives Limited and emailed them for about 2 years before they decided to print my artwork in limited editions. Since then I’ve done several more travel posters as well as some vintage toy box art and tin sign designs – definitely more to come.
One of the travel posters even dressed the set of “Two and a Half Men”!


As always I am so appreciative of those who are supporting the blog through story contributions, retweets, and feedback. I believe we all have a story to share and want to emphasize that this blog is designed to share everyone’s story. You do not have to be a podcaster ,author , or artist. If you take the time to send your story to I will post it!

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-

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