Star Wars Genesis Story : Michael Harris

Michael Harris took the time to share his story and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

Mike tweets from @ Skymauler

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My story started officially when I was 10 years old.  I say
“officially” because i know that I had seen at least bits and pieces
of the films before then, and I distinctly remember having quite a few
of the ROTJ action figures.  The year was 1991, and my father was a
volunteer fire fighter in our town.  My dad would always take us to
the station with him when he would wash the cars, and we would get to
hang out there with him.  At 10, being able to crawl around the the
trucks was pretty awesome. We would usually stop at the video store
(They existed!) and rent movies to watch in the rec room there.  They
had a big tv and a VCR (Those existed too!).  For whatever reason,
Star Wars is what we picked that day.  As the Tantive IV and Star
Destroyer crossed the screen, well, that was it for me.

The year was also a pretty good time to become a Star Wars fan, as the
modern Expanded Universe started with “Heir To The Empire”.  I’ve been
into the books ever since.

As the years went by, my Star Wars fandom waned a little, but the
Special Editions rekindled that spark.  By the Prequel era, I held the
flame high, and wore an awful Vader costume to the midnight showing of
Phantom Menace.  I was the ONLY person in costume…
There is nothing like seeing new Star Wars on the big screen.
Nowadays, the best part of Star Wars fandom is passing it on.  Now I
get to share the love with my son, who is 10 years old this year!  I
am currently working on 2 Mandalorian costumes for the both of us to
wear to The Force Awakens!


These stories always hit my heart when they involve a Parent sharing their love of Star Wars with their Children. To see the Star Wars Universe become a tradition, something shared from generation to generation makes me know this fandom will never die. We should all take comfort in knowing that Star Wars will be passed on to a new generation, and someday the dreams of our children will challenge our imaginations.

Thank for reading…

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-