Sharing Comicon with my Son..

Altho not entirely Star Wars related, sharing this story means the world to me. My oldest son Cade is 2 and a half, and I recently took him to his first Comic Con. This will be a memory that stays with me forever and one of the happiest days of my life. 

For months prior I hyped my Son up by reading him comics and watching movies and shows that featured the various charecters I knew we would see. Besides Star Wars my son and I share a deep love for Captain America and ” are we gonna see Captain?” was heard around my house hundreds of times in the weeks leading up to Comic Con. My heart swelled with pride every time I heard him say it. We prepared by getting my son a Captain America T shirt to Match Dad’s and reading a graphic novels based on Cap’s origin story over and over. 

When the day finally arrived we packed all our snacks gear and toys up and set off for the Amazing Arizona Comic Con. On the ride to the Convention center it was unclear wich one of us was more full of child like excitement. From the very moment we walked up to the line and my son got his first sight of Cosplayers it became clear to me that very little of this day would be about what I experienced but rather about the joy of watching him experience it.

We made a pass around the outside of the Convention floor and headed to the picture area where the Cosplayers were posing with fans. The first Cosplayer to approach my son was an Umbrella Corp Swat Trooper from Resident Evil. Without thinking I plopped Cade on the mans knee and backed up to take a picture. The look of fear and confusion on my Son’s face made it clear I was rushing him a bit and he needed some time to get used to his surroundings. I cannot say enough for the kindness and patience that the Cosplayers showed to us as we made our way around to meet the many Charecters on the floor. The most priceless moment happened when my Son posed with Thor and was staring at him with biggest eyes I have ever seen!

I took pictures of Cade with Darth Vader and Stormtroopers, Captain America, Thor, Judge Dredd, Deadpool and many more. One of the greatest moments to witness was the look of confusion on my Son’s face as we were eating lunch. He was sitting and eating his PB and J when Thor and the Green Arrow came out of the cafeteria with Corn Dogs and Pop. His expression as he watched them put mustard and ketchup on their food made my day! 

As we made our way through the Artists and Vendors I had the honor of watching my Son’s pure joy as he was introduced to so many new charecters and stories. I had the chance to see the same love of fantasy and adventure that makes me who I am begin to grow in him.

These experiences are what make all of our fandoms so foundational to our lives. The pure simple joy and love we share for these worlds and stories hold so much power. This keeps us young, connects us to our children, and introduces us to so many great friends.

I encourage everyone who takes the time to read this to savor every opportunity you are given to get down on a childs level and share in their pure wonder. It is the most beautiful thing this world has to offer.

Thank you as always for taking the time to read my blog.

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-

Star Wars Genesis : Brian Bailey

Brian Bailey is an active member of the Star Wars community who always has something relevant to add to the discussions/debates we frequently have. His story is personal and unique and I am so glad he took the time to put his story together to share with all of us!

 Brian tweets from @ballsinplay

Bailey lightsaber

Dad and Brian

Vader Bailey


Born in 1976, I was too young to remember the first time I saw A New Hope. My earliest Star Wars memories are seeing Empire Strikes Back in a theater with my family. I immediately empathized with Luke Skywalker as the son of Darth Vader because my dad was also the person I feared the most. He was a ticking time-bomb of anger that could go off at any moment. If we were good, there was “peace.” By “peace” I mean Admiral Piett after the Falcon jumped into hyperspace at the end of Empire. If we misbehaved, there were major consequences. Physical violence and verbal abuse were common occurrences in my house, particularly against my mom and older sister. It’s sad to say but, my dad was the villain of my world. I know now that my dad suffered from PTSD from serving in Vietnam. That knowledge doesn’t justify actions but, it has brought some healing to our relationship.

Empire Strikes Back is filled with bits of humor that maid me laugh out loud, from Leia insulting Han to meeting Yoda for the first time to Artoo getting fried because he connects to the wrong port. If you really need more examples, watch the movie again! It’s pretty self-explanatory! 🙂 Laughter is awesome. It triggers the release of endorphins which are natural feel-good chemicals. Who doesn’t like feeling good?

Playing with toys while watching the OT on VHS became an escape from reality, especially after my parents divorced when I was 8 years old. My favorite toys were centered around my fascination with Star Wars. My Star Wars action figure collection grew weekly as a reward for helping take my great grandmother shopping. I would help her get in and out the car and help her cross the street. (Now that I think of it, helping her cross the street was probably more about keeping me safe than helping her. I’ll have to remember that one for when my daughter gets older.) I definitely didn’t have all of the toys but my Darth Vader Collector’s Case was full and I did have a Millennium Falcon which was pretty sweet!

Return of the Jedi totally raised the bar of who I wanted to be as a person. Sunday School concepts like mercy, forgiveness and grace were brought to life. I was taken aback by Luke’s unwillingness to fight Vader but rather his desire to save the same man that chopped off his hand in Empire. Luke didn’t seek vengeance or justice. He wanted to redeem the man that was once Anakin Skywalker. Luke personified the Golden Rule “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” Luke had reason to hope Vader could be redeemed when he said to Leia “…there’s good in him. I’ve felt it.” Somehow I knew or hoped that my dad was sick and there was a part of him below the surface that was worth redeeming. So I chose the point of view that sees the best in people and to love instead of hate.

I share my Star Wars Genesis story to encourage others with similar backgrounds that you are not alone. Those experiences don’t have to dictate your future. You can choose a different path. Recently I began a new adventure of fatherhood. I always wanted to be the father I never had. Now I have the opportunity to be that father day by day to my daughter. I look forward to passing down my love for Star Wars someday. Hopefully her reasons for loving Star Wars will be slightly different than mine.


With each new story I see shared I am reminded of the unique passion that drives all of us in our fandom. Some are driven by a sense of nostalgia, a desire to share with their children, a desire to feed their inner child, or all of the above. This deep root connection keeps the fire of our fandoms burning bright and connects us all. Thanks to Brian for sharing personal details and giving us some insight into who he is inside.

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-

Star Wars Genesis Story : Michael Harris

Michael Harris took the time to share his story and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.

Mike tweets from @ Skymauler

IMG_1671 IMG_2518

My story started officially when I was 10 years old.  I say
“officially” because i know that I had seen at least bits and pieces
of the films before then, and I distinctly remember having quite a few
of the ROTJ action figures.  The year was 1991, and my father was a
volunteer fire fighter in our town.  My dad would always take us to
the station with him when he would wash the cars, and we would get to
hang out there with him.  At 10, being able to crawl around the the
trucks was pretty awesome. We would usually stop at the video store
(They existed!) and rent movies to watch in the rec room there.  They
had a big tv and a VCR (Those existed too!).  For whatever reason,
Star Wars is what we picked that day.  As the Tantive IV and Star
Destroyer crossed the screen, well, that was it for me.

The year was also a pretty good time to become a Star Wars fan, as the
modern Expanded Universe started with “Heir To The Empire”.  I’ve been
into the books ever since.

As the years went by, my Star Wars fandom waned a little, but the
Special Editions rekindled that spark.  By the Prequel era, I held the
flame high, and wore an awful Vader costume to the midnight showing of
Phantom Menace.  I was the ONLY person in costume…
There is nothing like seeing new Star Wars on the big screen.
Nowadays, the best part of Star Wars fandom is passing it on.  Now I
get to share the love with my son, who is 10 years old this year!  I
am currently working on 2 Mandalorian costumes for the both of us to
wear to The Force Awakens!


These stories always hit my heart when they involve a Parent sharing their love of Star Wars with their Children. To see the Star Wars Universe become a tradition, something shared from generation to generation makes me know this fandom will never die. We should all take comfort in knowing that Star Wars will be passed on to a new generation, and someday the dreams of our children will challenge our imaginations.

Thank for reading…

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-

A Long Time Ago, Lost in a Galaxy Far Far Away….

I wanted to take a minute to share my dream for this blog for those of you are taking the time to read it. First and foremost I extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you. I have had so many retweets, stories shared, and amazing feedback!

My vision for this blog is an outlet to share the unique story of fans from every walk of life! To allow all of us a chance to walk down memory lane and remember the wonder of our early experiences with the Star Wars Universe. There was a time when each of us first got lost in a Galaxy Far Far Away. A time before we where critical, jaded, or caught up in rumors and debate. When the magic that is Star Wars was at it’s most pure. I am in love with that time in my life, and love to hear/share others unique stories. The true beauty is that we all have that time in our Fandom! My personal goal is to connect with that magic as much as possible! I truly believe it is what draws us together. Deep inside that child like wonder is alive in all of us!

My goal is to share the stories of 500 fans by the release of Episode 7, December 18th. I cannot reach this goal without your support. So I humbly ask you to share this blog with any you feel may be interested. Please remember that this blog is for everyone! You do not have to be an artist, podcaster, or author to share your story. Again, thank you all so much for your support and encouragement! Let’s do this together! Every fan has a story to share that is unique and I want to tell them all!

Send your stories to

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-

Star Wars Genesis Story: Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas is a freelance illustrator who has had his work turned into officially licensed art. I have been such a huge fan of his work for a long time! His retro advertising/old propaganda poster style artwork is both unique and masterfully executed. I cannot recommend his work enough and ask that you visit his site support his work in any way you can. His Facebook is and he tweets from @stevethomasart.

dagobah kessel_web stardestroyer_web sthomas_Dark_Side_Blend_web


I first saw Star Wars in 1977 when I was only 3. Of course I don’t remember any of it, but I know we went as a family. My twin sister (yes, even early I had a connection with Luke and Leia :)), my older brother and parents. We lived in Windsor, Ont. and the movie hadn’t come to Canada yet, but luckily Windsor was directly across the river and border to Detroit, where the movie was playing. From that moment on I was hooked on the toys and movies. I had the bed sheets and everything (I still have one sheet that I’ve been using as a drop cloth when painting artwork – I know, shame on me!). I can also remember using a pillow case as a candy bag at halloween. One year I dressed as a stormtrooper and my brother was Vader. Later in life (university) I again dressed up as someone from Star Wars. This time it was Luke from Return of the Jedi, from Jabba’s Palace.
I didn’t start creating serious artwork based on the Star Wars universe until sometime between 2006-2008. I had just finished a series of travel posters to the planets in our solar system and wanted to expand on that idea. At the time, had a license with Lucasfilm and I worked with them to get some licensed artwork up. I initially created 8 designs for travel posters. Unfortunately, Zazzle was only able to print them on t-shirts so I had to find someone else that had a license to print posters. I found Acme Archives Limited and emailed them for about 2 years before they decided to print my artwork in limited editions. Since then I’ve done several more travel posters as well as some vintage toy box art and tin sign designs – definitely more to come.
One of the travel posters even dressed the set of “Two and a Half Men”!


As always I am so appreciative of those who are supporting the blog through story contributions, retweets, and feedback. I believe we all have a story to share and want to emphasize that this blog is designed to share everyone’s story. You do not have to be a podcaster ,author , or artist. If you take the time to send your story to I will post it!

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-

Star Wars Genesis Story: Mallory Conlon

Mallory Conlon is a co-host of Far Far Away Radio a podcast that features Star Wars news as well as discussion/opinions. I absolutely recommend listening to this podcast if you haven’t had a chance, it is wonderful! You can find both the podcast and their blog at Mallory tweets from @malloryconlon.


As it turns out, my introduction to Star Wars was more an instance of chance as opposed to something given to me at a young age.  My parents weren’t, aren’t, and most likely never will be Star Wars fans, and, between the ages 8 and 13, I was happily lost in my Harry Potter obsession. Though I’d heard of Star Wars before, it was really never more than a passing glance at a commercial or a toy magazine.  So, my real Star Wars story unexpectedly began at age 13, at my grandma’s house… 
While at my grandma’s house, my two young cousins and I decided to turn on Cartoon Network for no real reason…or at least for a reason so small I can’t remember it now. This was long before the Guide button on the remote, and long before my patience developed to watch the TV Guide channel, so there was no telling what we’d find. Quite by chance, or the will of the Force, one of the original Star Wars: The Clone Wars shorts was playing on Cartoon Network.  I was awestruck within seconds, and the three of us sat silently, watching, and not believing what we were seeing. Swords of light? Aliens? Explosions? What was this madness called the Force? I needed to know. It didn’t take long for me to be hooked after these 8 minutes of awe passed, 8 minutes of my life that I’ll likely never forget.
Christmas quickly came a few months after this. I asked (read: begged) my parents to get me the Original Trilogy box set, and they obliged, of course. The following May, I got my first experience seeing Star Wars in a movie theater.  When Revenge of the Sith came out, I saw it four times–I would have seen it more had I not been a 13-year-old with no money… Then, within the next year, one of my friends let me borrow his copy of Knights of the Old Republic I and II for Xbox, which sparked my true obsession with Star Wars and The Old Republic era. After that, the rest is truly history. 
Fast forward 10 years, and here I am. I joined Twitter just under a year ago so I could follow the news of Episode VII more closely. Luckily, I had a moment of bravery that gave me this once-in-a-lifetime chance to share my love of Star Wars with some of the most thoughtful, kind, and hilarious people, all during one of the most exciting times to be a fan. If you’re interested, I wrote a bit on my more recent experiences with the Star Wars fandom on the Far Far Away Radio blog:
You can catch me and some of my best Star Wars friends on Far Far Away Radio every week (, and you can also keep up with my random nerdiness on Twitter @malloryconlon!
If you are reading this you have my deepest appreciation. I am so full of joy for this community as we enter a new part of our fandom. I grow more anxious every day for lights dimming with hushed anticipation and a thunderous cheer when ” A long time ago in a galaxy far far away” comes up! It has been a decade since we have experienced that! Please if you feel like sharing your story or know someone who would, send stories to Spread the Word!
May The Force be With you
-Cody Lee-

Star Wars Genesis Story: Chris McGuffin

Chris McGuffin writes for TheForce.Net and I highly recommend checking out his work! He tweets from @thecurseofchris, a great twitter follow for anyone looking to stay plugged in to current Star Wars news and events!


I’m 22 years old, and I’ve been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember. My first experience with Star Wars was seeing the original film on television somewhere around 1997. It was always on Saturday or Sunday mornings so I never managed to see the full thing all the way through, but the parts I do remember seeing (usually the Battle of Yavin) were so captivating and exciting that I was immediately hooked. I vaguely remember seeing The Phantom Menace in 1999 and falling in love with everything Star Wars soon after. I had the Original Trilogy on VHS and wore out my copy of TPM when it was released. I had many toys, primarily LEGO sets, and couldn’t get enough of the saga. As I got older and saw Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, my love for Star Wars never faltered. I can sit and talk to you about Star Wars for hours if you let me. Currently, I report news and write for TheForce.Net, an opportunity that I am incredibly grateful for (shoutout to the team at TFN for giving me that chance).

I’ve had many experiences in my life that has strengthened my love for Star Wars, but one such story stands out. My father is also a casual Star Wars fan. He was the first person I saw Episode IV with when I finally saw it all the way through, as well as Episodes V and VI. So when the prequel trilogy was released, he and I went to see each one in the theater. My most vivid memory was when Revenge of the Sith came out. We got tickets ahead of time, arrived at the theater and waited in line to be seated. Once there, we sat in anticipation for the movie to start, and when it finally did, we were both very excited! I’ll never forgot the moment that Vader’s mask is put on him for the first time and you hear that iconic breathing sound; my dad simply said “Wow” when that moment occurred. The best thing about future Star Wars movies coming out is that not only myself, but everyone will be able to have similar experiences like this, possibly with your kids, or even your parents. All I know is that now is a wonderful time to be a Star Wars fan! 🙂

You can find me on Twitter at @thecurseofchris, and through e-mail at Be sure to look out for my articles on and as always, may the Force be with you!!


Everyday my excitement for Episode VII grows! I truly appreciate the stories you all have submitted and all your continuing support! Let’s keep pushing forward and get to 500 stories shared by Episode VII!

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-

Star Wars Genesis: Jesse Tschopp

Jesse Tschopp : Jesse Tschopp (He would want me point out it’s pronounced Chop 🙂 ) is a contributor for, writer and indie filmmaker. You can follow him at



Return of the Jedi is a part of my first memory when I was two and a half years old. I have flashes of other things from around that time — almost all related to playing with Star Wars toys with my older cousins — but the first solid thing I can remember is being in the theater with Jabba the Hutt on the big screen, and my mom having to take me out to the bathroom.

Star Wars has always been with me. My parents were teens working in the local theater when the first one hit in ‘77, so I’ve always heard stories about what a phenomenon that film was. Growing up in the ‘80s, my friends and I had a ton of the Kenner toys — stuff bought when it was original in stores, things gifted by family who picked it up on clearance, hand-me-downs from older cousins, and bargains picked up from yard sales and flea markets. Sure, we were into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, and X-Men too, but we always gravitated back towards Star Wars, be it through the toys or by reenacting scenes ourselves in the backyard.

As a teen in the ‘90s, I reconnected with the Saga through the Expanded Universe, first reading the Jedi Prince series before moving on to the Zahn books and others. The Micro Machine sets reignited my interest in Star Wars toys before the 3 ¾” line relaunched. My friends and I began collecting Decipher’s Star Wars Customizable Card Game, and we’d spend Sunday afternoons playing it.

Shadows of the Empire was a big deal to us, and I picked up all of the toys and comics for that multi-media event, and spent a couple of days playing the Nintendo 64 game when my cousin rented both the system and the game (because at 15 and 13, neither of us had money or rich enough parents to out-and-out buy an N64 yet). I still love that soundtrack and have fond memories of taking down Walkers on Hoth and piloting Swoop Bikes through Mos Eisley; though the thought of having to battle IG-88 causes me anxiety.

When the Special Editions came out, I was there opening day with my cousins and friends for each film. Sure, Greedo shooting first bugged me (and still does), but I was beyond excited to be seeing Star Wars films on the big screen at an age when I could appreciate them.

In the lead-up to the Prequels, my friends and I would speculate non-stop, watch the trailers repeatedly, collect as much of the merchandise as we could afford, and most of us would wait hours in line in costume for each film. Even after we thought there would be no more Star Wars films, we’d get together to rewatch the six episodes or The Clone Wars, and Star Wars would work it’s way into our normal conversations. With The Force Awakens and other films ahead of us, we’re talking about our favorite saga even more so.

I don’t really have a Star Wars genesis per se; it’s something that’s always been there. It’s been a source of entertainment, a conduit for creativity, and a cornerstone of my friendships all of my life. And I can’t foresee a time when it won’t be all of those things.


As always if you would like to share what made you fall in love with Star Wars just send your story to We all have an individual story to share and I would love to share yours! I would like to again thank everyone who has; contributed, shared the blog with friends, or have simply taken the time to stop by and check the blog out.

May the Force be With You

-Cody Lee-

Star Wars Genesis: Mike MacDonald

Mike MacDonald is a Star Wars Blogger. His work the “Looking Away to The Horizon” blog can be found at he tweets from @MikeTarkin . His blog is well written and presents a unique perspective that I highly recommend checking out!



I was nine years old when Star Wars was first hit theatres in May 1977.  The exact date of when I actually saw it is cloudy but it’s safe to say it was early summer of 1977.

Before the movie was released, I can recall having the paperback novel adaption that I’m pretty sure I didn’t read before seeing the film—I don’t think I was concerned about spoilers, more likely I was much more interested in the half dozen or so pages of colour photos that were included in the book.  In fact, these promotional stills were the blueprint for LEGO toys my younger brother, Doug and I would build and play with right up until we began buying Kenner action figures in March 1978.
The first time I saw Star Wars is a special memory as it involves my Aunt Shirley.  We lived across the Detroit River in Windsor, Ontario, Canada where cross border shopping is an art form.  As kids though, “going over the river” as our parents call it was quite a big deal and to have a relative that we had to drive nearly an hour to get to was just plain exciting.  It helped that Aunt Shirley was just the nicest person to us.  We were spoiled by her every time we visited, normally for a weekend, where her and Uncle Louie would keep us well fed with chips and pop (we’d giggle at their Michigan accents-“Paypsi Payp and Cheeps”), homemade French fries and baked beans with sugar on them (something our mom wouldn’t let us do).  The other great thing Aunt Shirley would do was take us to her local K-Mart to spend the small amount of money our parents gave us to spend while visiting.  The best thing we ever bought from those trips were Spider-Man webshooters.  They wrapped around your wrist with Velcro and fired rubber tipped darts–illegal today, I’m sure, but so much fun!
On one of these visits to our favorite Aunt she asked if my brother and I would like to go to the gas station with her.  As Doug remembers it, he didn’t want to go but I convinced him that, as 9 and 5 year olds, we didn’t have much choice. So we got in her car and then began to realize, she’s driving past the gas station.  And the next one. And the next one. What was she doing?  Finally I mentioned to her that, “um Aunt Shirley? You keep passing the gas stations.”  And that was when the thunder hit:
“I’m taking you boys to see Star Wars.”
We couldn’t believe it.  I’m sure we had been bugging our mom to take us back in Canada and to be honest I don’t know why we hadn’t seen it by summer vacation but there we were in a movie theatre in Utica, Michigan, sitting down to watch Star Wars.  Doug and I were completely enthralled from the opening crawl to the final iris out.  It didn’t even bother us that some teenaged girls behind us swore a lot and had their bare feet on the back of the theatre seats-it was the 70’s after all.  Although we couldn’t understand why Aunt Shirley kept falling asleep throughout the movie-to the point where she shushed us to stop it.
Star Wars consumed our young lives from that point on, although I left Star Wars behind as a young teen only to rediscover it as an adult in the early 90’s. Now, I’m a collector of toys who has a Star Wars blog and an awesome family that shares my passion.
And it’s all because of Aunt Shirley.
Remember you can add your story to this collection by sending an e-mail to The goal is 500 stories shared by Episode 7!! If you know a Group or Charity that you feel needs to written about please let me know!
May the Force be With You
-Cody Lee-

Star Wars Genesis: Amy Ratcliffe

Amy Ratcliffe is a contributor to; Star, Fashionably Geek, IGN, the Nerdist and more. Her website is www.geek with and she tweets from @amy_geek
I didn’t see Star Wars for the first time until I was in high school. Though my dad and I frequently watched Star Trek: The Next Generation together, I don’t remember even hearing about Star Wars until the original trilogy returned to theaters in the form of the special edition re-release. That phrase – “special editions” – didn’t mean anything to me then. I saw Episodes IV through VI on the big screen and enjoyed the heck out of them. My then boyfriend and his friends inadvertently spoiled the “I am your father” bit and Luke and Leia’s true relationship, but that didn’t matter. I was in. Completely in.

After my positive experience with the original trilogy, I headed back to the theaters to see the prequels. I liked them, but I wasn’t blown away. I went back to the original trilogy and tracked down the theatrical cuts. I watched them over and over. Then The Clone Wars movie came along and something about that particular time period pushed me head over heels into the universe of Star Wars. I started devouring Dark Horse Comics’ Star Wars books beginning with The Clone Wars series. I moved onto Legacy, and then fed my habit with omnibus collections of the Marvel Star Wars comics and everything in between.

While I have returned to the films repeatedly and adore them, I consider The Clone Wars animated series to be my Star Wars. I love that we got to learn more about Anakin Skywalker’s fall, I enjoyed meeting Ahsoka Tano and watching her grow into a strong and capable person, and I’m intrigued about the fall of the Jedi. The Clone Wars pushed my strong appreciation of Star Wars into a passionate obsession and made me see the prequels in a different light. It pushed me into the books now known as Legends, into connecting with fellow fans online, and into examining and discussing the films more than I already was.
Remember to share your story simply send it to Please help me bring the community together and share what makes Star Wars important to you! The Goal is 500 Stories shared by Episode 7 (348 Days)
May the Force be With You
-Cody Lee-